Name: Didi Sirius Pro
Born: 4. 4. 2005
Heigh: 48 cm
Weight: 20, 5 kg
Eye: clear (from 12/2014)
CH CZ, CH PL, CH SK, C.I.E, Grand CH CZ, CH CMKU, Veteran CH CZ
Female of year 2009 RK CZ, Female of year 2010 RZ CZ, Female of year 2011 RK CZ, Best shown female KCHLS 2010, Best shown female KCHLS 2011

Didi was born in czech kennel Sirius Pro in Krnov.
You know, she chose us! She wanted to caress all the time and she was so cute! We couldn’t resist her so for some time we took a little redheaded puppy for home.
From her two years we started to ride on the dog shows. She loves the shows! And the reason? She loves the people and loves to be of the center attention! She has very nice results from the Slovakia republic, Poland and of course the Czech republic! One of her tgreatest achievemnts are C.I.E and BIS Veteran on the Club show of Retrievers.